The biggest disclosure on Corona from the Chinese side, know what is corona's CIA connection

The biggest disclosure on Corona from the Chinese side, know what is corona's CIA connection
China's Military Intelligence official has written an article that has now enveloped the whole world. This officer says that if he reveals his identity, his life will be in danger, but he is saying very clearly that he has information that has the power to overthrow the Chinese government. This officer told that China lied on the corona and what is the truth of the corona.

China lied all over Corona
From the Chinese side, there has been such a disclosure on the corona on which China is now completely surrounded. Such an article by a Chinese military intelligence officer has come out which has exposed China's dangerous plans. The intelligence officer who wrote the article is also a member of the Communist Party of China. This official has claimed that China wanted to stop the fire of protests in Hong Kong. For which Jean was doing such a biological agent which if sprinkled on the protesters below the helicopter, then the one on whom it falls will become mentally deranged or its behavior will change. This officer who wrote the article was also a part of that project in China.

The project was put on hold because the Hong Kong display was under the eye of the world and spraying such a biological agent could be very dangerous and would attract the attention of the world, so China found a very dangerous way. China tested Islamic fundamentalists to test this biological weapon. China tested it at a training camp in Jinjiang province and when China tested this dangerous agent on people's bodies, the results were frightening. With the use of that agent, the body of those people on whose body the test started to melt. You can guess how inhuman the move of China was.

America asked for 'virus' from China?
In your mind too, the question will be why did Corona spread from Wuhan province in China? What happened was that the corona in Wuhan spread right there. So the Chinese official has given the answer to this question as well. According to a Chinese official, the Intelligence Agency of America had also received the news of this biological agent and the CIA was also showing interest in it.

The US had already caught the virus that China made in the lab. The Chinese official wrote in his article, Why the deal could not be reached on the transaction of virus between China and America. The officer wrote,Our American friends also showed interest in the virus. We have good relations with the CIA but because it was very dangerous, we refused." The CIA felt that we have made a very powerful thing and China wants to keep it to itself. The American Intelligence Agency offered a large sum of money to China's researcher and demanded that virus. The researcher agreed to sell a sample of the virus to the US agency.

Now you understand why this virus could not be caught by America. When the US agent was dealing with the virus from China's researcher, China got a clue. There was a shootout in which many people died. However, the American agent managed to escape. This shoot out took place near the animal market, and the vial in which the sample of the virus fell on it. This is the reason why this virus spread in Wuhan. China tried to hide it by saying that it spread with bats. China lied to people that only the flu has spread in Wuhan, but gradually the whole world was caught by the virus that China had made in its lab.
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