Resume ready to take the girl on a date, looking at the skills

Resume ready to take the girl on a date, looking at the skills
We all know that nowadays is the age of digital. From social media to dating apps, it has become quite easy for people to ask anyone for a date in every way. There are new ways of denting in the market.

By the way, this world is full of creative lovers. You must have seen people making resumes for jobs till today, but if this resume starts being made for denting? A similar case has come to light these days from the University of San Diego where a student named James used to like a girl named Christie for the last four years, but he did not have enough courage to express his love.

In such a situation, she ran her mind horse and made a resume and sent it to express her love, the girl shared the caption photo of the resume on social media and wrote the caption that I had jokingly told a boy if he Wants to take me on a date, then send a cover letter and he really sends me his resume.
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